Ensure that your loan application has no gaps or missing information.

If a particular question is not applicable for any reason, please mark it not applicable with N/A.


When including your business plan, assume the person who is assessing your business knows nothing about what it does.

In the executive summary, write a clear and concise explanation of what your business is in no more than 3-4 paragraphs and avoid technical jargon or abbreviations.


Include a full credit report for each director.

We don’t credit search our clients so we ask that you include a full credit report for each director. This can be from any provider such as ClearScore, Equifax, Experian or TransUnion.


Explain any adverse credit information.

We don’t turn anyone away who’s missed a previous payment and look at each application individually, but any missed payments or adverse credit information must be explained fully and satisfactory evidence provided, if necessary.

Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot lend to you if you have a County Court Judgment (CCJ), have been declared bankrupt or are about to enter an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement).


Include a cashflow forecast for the next two years that explains how your sales will be achieved.

  • Make sure you have a marketing plan (and include it).
  • Insert any existing and pipeline sales.
  • Include your proposed business hours and consider if you have enough time in the day to do what you need to achieve your forecasted sales.

Please note: Only one year is needed for start-up loan applications.


Include business bank statements for the last six months.


Include two years of audited accounts or current management information for existing businesses.

Please note: (a)This is not applicable for start-ups (b) Businesses that have been trading for less than 2 years should provide us with their accounts to date.


Explain what the loan will be used for and be prepared to justify it.

  • explain how unusual items will benefit the business.
  • attach examples of expensive items needed.
  • include an appendix for multiple items to make it easier to assess.

Ensure you provide the following documents with your application:

  • photo ID
  • proof of address such as a recent utility bill evidencing your home address
  • two references for each applicant.
  • your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Consider COVID costs.

  • include additional costs to ensure your business is COVID-compliant. The cost of processing card payments and PPE can quickly add up and eat into profits.
  • also include not so obvious COVID costs such as time spent cleaning in between customers.